4/4/21 Happy Easter

TODAY'S VERSE: 4/4/21 Happy Easter

“Jesus is not here; he has risen, just as he said.  Come and see the place where he lay.  Then go quickly and tell his disciples.  He has risen from the dead!” - Matthew 28:6-7



A few years ago about this time of the year I stopped at a local K-Mart to purchase a couple of photo albums, some film and some batteries for our camera. (This was before the era of smart phones.) We had accumulated quite a stack of pictures and needed to organize them, but we also wanted to be ready for taking more pictures at Easter. I had only been in this store once or twice before and had no clue where to find anything. So, I stopped at the information desk and asked directions.

I said to the clerk, “Pardon me, could you please direct me to the area of the store where I can find photo albums, film and batteries?” She stepped out of the aisle where I was standing and pointed all the way down the aisle to the other end of the store and said to me, “Do you see that sign where it says ‘Easter?’ It actually, says ‘Easter Supplies,’ but you can only see the word ‘Easter.’ Well, the photo albums and the film and batteries are all found just past the Easter sign. In fact, everything you need is found just past Easter.”

Everything you need is found just past Easter!

I thought at the time that this clerk had given me a wonderful Easter theme. In K-Mart of all places, a profound and clear understanding of the meaning of this day. She said I would find whatever I needed just on the other side of Easter.

Indeed! This has been the Easter message from the very beginning. Everything we need is found just on the other side of Easter. Life, meaning, hope, faith, love—all found just on the other side of Easter.  Because Jesus has overcome the power of sin, death and the power of evil, everything we need to live victoriously is found on the other side of Easter. Praise God!

Pastor Merv Thompson


Risen Christ, we give thanks that you make it possible for us to live on the other side of Easter. You nailed the fear, the hopelessness, the pain, the despair to the cross, and in the resurrection you changed the course of history, and our history. Help us live each day on the other side of Easter, and to let go of Good Friday. Amen.


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