17/3/21 Day 25

TODAY'S VERSE: 17/3/21 Day 25

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” Ecclesiastics 3:1


I don’t know about you, but it seems like we have two seasons in Iowa. Winter and summer. Spring and fall have been short to say the least. They feel almost nonexistent. It reminded me that every season is important. Every season has value and beauty. We need to enjoy every minute that we have in each season of our life. Some seasons are tougher than others. But they have purpose. We don’t always understand the purpose of each season, but I know that it makes us better people. They are the “seasonings” to who we are.

Whatever season of life you find yourself in, take a moment and find gratitude for what that season is showing you and teaching you. Find gratitude for the people that are in the season with you. Thank God for continuing to bring seasons of change for without them our life would not have color and beauty.

Melissa Dale
Celebrate Recovery Minister


Lord, thank you for the seasons of life. We thank you that you carry us through all changes and remind us that we can come through them with your care and love. Help us in the difficult seasons and remind us to rejoice with you in the fantastic seasons, for all blessings come from you. Lord, be with people who are in difficult seasons today. In Jesus name. Amen


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