19/2/21 Day 3

TODAY'S VERSE: 19/2/21 Day 3

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those
who bring news, who proclaim peace, who bring good news,
who proclaim deliverance, who say to Zion,
‘Your God reigns!’”
– Isaiah 52:7



During the prophet Isaiah’s life, God’s people were in deep trouble. Babylon had taken them captive and enslaved them. But this wasn’t the real problem. Their real trouble began long before, when they turned away from the Lord and began to worship the gods of the surrounding nations.

And these weren’t just gods with strange names like Ba’al, Marduk, and Asherah. The Israelites also worshipped the more well-known gods with names like Greed, Lust, Jealously, and Envy.

But the problem with these gods is that they don’t deliver what their worshippers desire. Instead, they bring a life of chaos, fear and despair. Like the Babylonians, these gods take their worshipers captive and enslave them to their own rebellious brokenness.

But God was not about to let either the Babylonians or these well-known gods hold his people captive. So through the prophet Isaiah, God announced that their reign was over! God was King, and he going to deliver his people, not only from the Babylonians, but from their own rebellious brokenness.

And God wants to do the same for us! Like the Israelites, we too have enslaved ourselves to these false gods. But because of what God did on the cross, we too can discover the freedom the prophet Isaiah announced so long ago…because God is still King and he is still on the move!

Pastor Richard


Heavenly Father, we admit we are captive to our own rebellion. We are enslaved by false gods and cannot free ourselves. Forgive us, Lord. Set us free, so that we may live in your love and walk in your ways of life. Amen.


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