23/2/21 Day 6

TODAY'S VERSE: 23/2/21 Day 6

“The Spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was out among the wild animals, and angels took care of him.” - Mark 1:13-14



For 40 days we fast, pray, and prepare for the pain and grief of Good Friday, but also the joy and glory of Easter. For 40 days, Jesus also fasted, prayed and prepared. What does it mean that the Holy Spirit compelled Jesus toward something so painful, lonely, and dangerous — life-threatening, if we are being honest about it? Suffering goes hand in hand with doubt. The Spirit’s compulsion into the wilderness comes just as Jesus’ ministry is ramping up; immediately after his big entrance comes retreat. What? He has buzz, he has momentum; the time to strike is while the iron is hot, right? Does it ever feel that the Holy Spirit is pulling you against sense, wisdom, convention, and knowledge? Does the Spirit ever pull you against even yourself? Shouldn’t the way of a loving God lead us into more peace, more contentment, more harmony? Shouldn’t we feel better about life when we follow God’s call?

This thinking can lead to great confusion when life comes crashing down around us. In Hebrews 5:7-9, Scripture offers insight into Jesus’ suffering—that he spent his time here pleading with God in “loud cries and tears.” Even Christ learned obedience through all he suffered, and we learn that life’s value isn’t found in ease, but often ease is the temptation that draws us away from the meaning of life. We know this anecdotally; which is usually the right thing, the easy or the hard one? Praise God, Jesus didn’t take the easy way, and our salvation is won because if it.

Pastor Ben


Gracious God, as we wander in the wilderness, send angels to attend us. Remind us that we are not alone in our suffering, and that our suffering does not mean that you no longer love us. No, it means that life is real, but also that Christ gives us victory against everything that we suffer. We look to the day when the old order has passed away, and every tear is wiped from our eyes. Be our way through, but not away from difficulty. Be our hope, our source of life, and the one who redeems our struggles. Amen.


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