24/2/21 Day 7

TODAY'S VERSE: 24/2/21 Day 7

“And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.” - Mark 6:5



I’ve always said you can tell a lot by someone’s posture. 

Take a look around you next time you are surrounded by people. Body language can tell you a lot about what’s on someone's mind. Take students in a classroom for example. When a teacher engages kindergartners who have just come in from recess, what kind of posture do you envision? I envision urgently reaching for the sky as they raise their hands. Compare this with a sophomore English class and I’m guessing you’d agree, it will probably be much different. Our posture (physical and otherwise) says a lot about us, and it’s pretty evident when we look at Jesus’ ministry.

In Mark 6, Jesus has rolled back into his hometown and their posture isn’t good. People seem to be fixated on the Jesus they grew up with, not the one who was initiated as the king of heaven and earth (and the beloved son of God!) during his baptism. They’re skeptical, doubtful and frankly indecisive. One moment, Jesus amazed them with his teaching. The next, they’re offended anything this life changing can come out of Nazareth. Their posture is closed off and that’s because it’s not rooted in the reality of the truth, but rather false ideas they’ve found it easier to cling to. Hope can be an exhausting and unpredictable. It’s why so many abandon it.

What about you? What’s your posture toward the work of God in your own life these days? Do the details of your situation seem overwhelming or like something Jesus can handle? More importantly, what false ideas has the world slipped past your defenses and into your way of looking at the world?

The good news is today Jesus still went to work healing and ushering in the kingdom in his hometown. He will do so for us today as well.

Pastor Andy


Lord, reveal to us the ways in which we traded in the hope of your resurrection for something else. Give us what we need today. In Jesus name, Amen


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