24/3/21 Day 31

TODAY'S VERSE: 24/3/21 Day 31

“As the time drew near for him to ascend to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” – Luke 9:51



We are only a few days away from Palm Sunday and the events of Holy Week.  The story is familiar to many of us:  Jesus rides triumphantly into Jerusalem on Sunday and cleanses the Temple on Monday.  He parries questions meant to trap him on Tuesday then on Wednesday, Judas agrees to betray Jesus.  On Thursday, Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples, prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, is arrested, and given a sham trial.  On Friday he is crucified and on Sunday he rises from the dead.

Did you catch that? 

Did any of the story sink in or have we become blind to, complacent with, or even a little bit bored with the story?  Are you going through the motions or are you paying attention?

The author Dorothy Sayers wrote, “To make of his (Jesus’) story something that could neither startle, nor shock, nor terrify, nor excite, nor inspire a living soul is to crucify the Son of God afresh.”

As we journey to the cross and the empty tomb this year, let’s really pause, really stop, really listen, really feel.  Don’t miss the details.  Cheer with the crowd when Jesus enters Jerusalem.  Listen to Jesus when he debates the religious leaders. Taste the bread Jesus broke to share with the disciples. Smell both the flowers and the sweat on Jesus’ brow as he prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. See the anguish in Peter’s eyes when he realizes he just denied Jesus.  Feel the wind on your face as you stand alongside the women at the foot of the cross.  Hear Jesus cry, “It is finished.”

This story changed all of human history, changed your history!  Let the story terrify you, excite you, and inspire you.  Don’t miss a moment!

Pastor Caroline Boehnke-Becker


Heavenly Father, as we approach Holy Week and retrace the steps of your Son, let us be truly present to his great sacrifice and his great love.  Amen


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