26/3/21 Day 33

TODAY'S VERSE: 26/3/21 Day 33

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” - Philippians 1:6



Spring is here in all of its glory! I love it! I love spring break, spring training, the beginning of baseball, the emergence of green grass, getting to use the deck or patio, the Easter season … all of it!

What I don’t love is having to take the time to remove the clutter that has accumulated over the winter. And let me tell you … this year was BAD! This year I spent four whole hours sorting through a massive pile of stuff that had accumulated since last November. There was dirt and grime, things I had been missing (like my son’s bike!) and stuff I didn’t even know we’d collected (apparently we stored someone’s soccer ball all winter). Heck, I even found the wrapping paper from our Christmas gifts that never made its way into the recycling bin. After looking back at my weekend, I’ve come to this conclusion ... it was not the best way to spend a Saturday, but it needed to happen.

As we begin to round the final bend of the season of Lent and look ahead to Easter, I have to believe God still has a little spring cleaning to do in all of us as well. Where is it life seems to feel most agonizing these days? If you could change something, what would it be? Would it fall in the realm of your vertical connection with God? More trust in him? Or is it a horizontal one? Maybe anger is getting the best of you. Maybe it’s time to get some things off your chest. Whatever it is, it’s ok. We all share a need for God’s grace and the need to reminded his work of restoration in us and our hearts is marathon and not a sprint. I’m pretty sure the Christians living in Philippi struggled with this as well. It’s why Paul wrote to them saying he’s confident that “… he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion ...”

Hear this, you may be facing some tough challenges, but God is not done yet. 

Pastor Andy Hermanson

Lord, thank you for loving us. Finish what your grace has begun in us. Amen 


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